not to long ago i interviewed the band teacher Mr. Ambrose about how he teaches, what he dislikes and likes, the Christmas concert coming up, and what made him want to teach music. These are some questions i asked him and the answers he gave me.
1. When is the concert?
answer- December 20th
2. How are rehearsals going for you and your students?
answer- Great this has been great for the whole year.
3. What songs are you looking forward to doing?
answer- Well we have two jazz bands playing music the first one is
ensemble band and they will be playing Russian Christmas music the second band
is the sulfuric band and they will be playing music from the nut cracker then lastly
everyone will come together for the sleigh ride.
4. What is the most difficult part about preparing for the concert?
answer- Its not just with this concert but with every concert we have the most difficult
part is always trying to practice how we will perform.
5. what do you enjoy the most while preparing for the concert?
answer- Spending time with the kids and making music with them.
6. What made you want to teach music?
answer- My experience of making music is making friendship and while in high school
and college i shared my experiences of making music.
7. How old were you when you decided that music was something you enjoyed and why?
answer- I've always have enjoyed music because of my upbringing, music
has been apart of my family every since i can remember.
8. Do you have children or anyone else in your family that love music the way you do?
if so who?
answer- Well my wife was in band all the way to high school and college and both
of my sons absolutely love music.
9. What are some strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your job?
answer- My strength is the ability of working with others and making sure
that this is a student center. Weaknesses in this job is that my office tends to become
a little messy and i can be unorganized at times and trying to make sure every student
fells valued and fells apart of the family equally.
10. How were you in high school as a kid growing up?
answer- I was a good student, i followed the rules and generally got
decent grades and participated in mostly everything, i tried to stay bust all the time.
I also had a job as being a life guard.
11. What are some things you like about your students?
answer- The diversity, they all have different personalty's and they all listen to different styles
of music.
so with all that being said me and Mr.Ambrose had a real good conversation about his self and music.
This sounds like it was a great interview!